“The Disaster Artist” is this decade’s Ed Wood

5 mins read

“Oh Hi Readers.” Why would people keep watching the Best WORST Movie ever made more than ten years after its release? To describe what makes “The Room” so special, is a rather daunting task, but I’ll certainly try my best.

For those who don’t know, “The Room” is a film made back in 2003 by a man known as Tommy Wiseau.  The film cost at least 7 Million Dollars, was a nightmare to make, and was intended as a romantic drama, but ended up being an unintentional masterpiece of trash cinema. Filled with stiff unnatural dialogue, mind boggling directing choices, subplots and characters that are outright forgotten, “The Room” contains one of cinema’s most renowned terrible performances by Tommy Wiseau himself as Johnny “The All American Hero.”

To explain the enigma that is Tommy Wiseau would take an entire book, which is exactly what “The Disaster Artist” is based on. Co-star of “The Room,” Greg Sestero, co-wrote an entire memoir about his relationship with Wiseau, how the film came together, and how insane the process of making it was. The phrase “truth is stranger than fiction” gets thrown around a lot, but it encapsulates this story and film perfectly. Out of any film this year, this is the one I was anticipating the most and I am happy to say “The Disaster Artist” delivered.

I would go so far as to say that it is this decade’s “Ed Wood,” because it is a film that showcases a larger than life figure whilst showing his bizarre rise to infamy in the world of film.

Tommy Wiseau is played by James Franco, who is able to completely lose himself in the role to the point where I honestly forgot I was watching a performance at times, believing I was watching the real Tommy Wiseau for 90 minutes. He perfectly captures what a lovable, fearless, and utterly enigmatic figure the real Tommy Wiseau was, and continues to be today.

Franco’s brother, Dave Franco, portrays Greg Sestero in this film and brings an equal amount of reliability and sympathy to the role. Greg’s situations are quite relatable in that we all have a dream that seems impossible at times, but we keep working towards it, along with holding on to friend’s whom we’d be better off without. These two had masterful chemistry throughout the entire film and it is most certainly the glue that holds this all together.

The film is expertly shot and directed, recreating the making of “The Room” which such accuracy, that it feels like you are receiving a peek into this hectic film production all the way back in 2003. Being a hardcore fan of both the original film and the book “The Disaster Artist” is based on, I was pleased with the homages and tributes. My only critique of the film is that it could’ve given more information on what happened between Tommy and Greg, along with more of what occurred during the making and release of the movie.

If you’ve ever tried to get a film made, a novel published, or just any form of creative project, then you will definitely find a connection with this film. “The Room” has lived on for more than a decade because of just how fascinating and mesmerizing it is. “Was this made by an alien?” or “what in the hell is this movie?” are just two of many blurbs and quotes made about “The Disaster Artist” perfectly captures how strange, funny, and inspiring the story of one of the worst films ever made was. I have no trouble recommending this film and encouraging everyone, to not only go see it, but watch the film that inspired it and read the book behind it.

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