Meet the Editorial Board and Officers


The Knight News works on behalf of the Queens College community with journalism as the main pillar of its vision. 

“We learn so that we may serve”

William Kuzma, Editor-in-Chief

William Kuzma is a Senior at Queens College majoring in English and minoring in History. Kuzma came to Queens College in the Fall of 2021 after graduating from the High School for Math, Science and Engineering at City College. Kuzma joined The Knight News as an reporting intern in the Fall of 2022 to pursue his interest in student journalism and to become more active in and advocate for the Queen’s College community.

As the Editor-in-Chief for The Knight News, Kuzma is committed to expanding The Knight News’ coverage of  Queens College and CUNY related issues.

When Kuzma graduates from Queens College, he plans to attend law school to pursue a future career in law. In his free time Kuzma likes to read, go to museums, explore the city, and spend time with friends and family.

Aida Quevedo, Managing Editor

Aida Quevedo is a Senior majoring in English and minoring in Legal Studies. Quevedo joined The Knight News as a reporter intern to further her interest in student journalism and to call attention toward the experiences of the Queens community. As general editor, she primarily concentrated on issues impacting Queens College and the broader CUNY system, aiming to highlight these concerns. In addition to writing, Quevedo enjoys exploring the world of fiction through video games and reading.

Rachel Pakan, Treasurer

Rachel Pakan is a Sophomore on the pre-medical track, with additional interests in English literature and journalism. She is passionate about telling stories and uncovering perspectives that would otherwise go unnoticed, inspiring her to join The Knight News as an intern before becoming a General Editor and eventually joining the Executive Board. Through her time at The Knight News, she has gained a profound sense of community and honed skills in writing, editing, and communication. In her free time, she enjoys all things food-related and going on long walks.

Michael Finch, Secretary

Michael Finch is a Junior majoring in English. Finch is a SUNY Ulster alumnus, where he studied communications, and joined The Knight News during his first semester at Queens College to become an active member of his new community. As an intern reporter, he covered topics ranging from Queens College and New York City news to entertainment. In his free time, Finch takes photos of friends and writes fiction. He hopes to write a book someday, or possibly be a narrative designer in video games.

Adriana Padilla Duran, Layout Editor and Webmaster

Adriana Padilla Duran is a Senior studying Design with a focus on Illustration, Graphic Design, and Animation. Initially interested in being The Knight News‘ Cartoonist, Padilla Duran’s graphic design experience led her to become the Layout Designer instead. Currently, Padilla Duran holds the positions of Layout Editor and Webmaster at The Knight News while still pursuing her passion for creating cartoons on the side.

Padilla Duran indulges in her love for art outside of her academic and professional obligations by watching art-related videos, collecting art pieces and art books, creating digital drawings, and immersing herself in animated films. Padilla Duran also spends a considerable amount of time playing video games with her friends, taking care of her adorable feline companions, and getting lost in the world of books! 

Charlie Ehrman, Multimedia Supervisor and Videographer

Charlie Ehrman is currently a junior at Queens College, majoring in Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science. Ehrman is non-traditional student, having worked professionally in the music video industry in Los Angeles, before returning to school to obtain his degree.

Ehrman is a multimedia journalist and documentary filmmaker who specializes in the Middle East and the U.S.-Mexico border, all the while capturing the far-reaching effects of these regions in the dynamic landscape of New York City. Ehrman’s work revolves around the themes of migration, borderlands, and human mobility. Ehrman’s work has been featured in festivals around the world such as Tribeca Film Festival in New York, and Baja California International Film Festival in Tijuana, Mexico. 

In his freetime, Ehrman has a passion for travel,  learning new languages, and actively engaging in interfaith initiatives aimed at fostering unity and understanding among Jewish, Muslim, and Christian communities.

Ehrman joined the Knight News as a video journalism intern in 2023 to pursue his passion for journalism and has now taken on the position as multimedia supervisor for the newspaper.