CERRU OP-ED: Sexplore with Sexploration this Semeste

6 mins read

QC Sexploration and Information Group, your favorite (and only) QC Peer Sex Education Team, is back for another year of research and events! As always, be sure to check out our Annual Sex Day in February – but in the meantime, there are lots of other opportunities to get involved, participate, ask questions, and learn.


Who are we?

We are a participatory action research team started through the Center for Ethnic, Racial, and Religious Understanding here at Queens College. That just means that we are a team of Queens College members, mostly current students, figuring out what other students want to see covered on campus through surveys and conversations. Then, and this is the best part, we host events and discussions about those things! Different topics include orgasm & arousal, virginity & abstinence, BDSM & kink, monogamy & polyamory, menstruation, religion/culture & sex, healthy relationships, violence, dating & hooking up in 2018, and much more!


This year we have an amazing team ready and excited to bring you monthly discussions and weekly office hours. Our first event was an open space for anyone who identifies as a virgin or abstinent. Below is a list of our upcoming events.


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, October 30th 3 – 4:30pm

Discussion on Porn led by Darren

Location: Powdermaker 119

Monday, November 5th 12:15 – 1:30

Interfaith Discussion led by Aliyah and Sharon

Location: TBD

Wednesday, November 7th, 5 – 8:30pm

CERRU’s Susheel Kirpalani Innovation Exchange: #MeToo

Location: Student Union Ballroom


Explore the societal and historical context of sexual assault, intersections that exist, and discuss how to create and sustain communities free or sexual assault through a panel discussion and Q&A. After the panel, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in workshops about consent (we’ll be leading this one!), healthy masculinity, and more.

Wednesday, November 15th 5 – 6:30pm

Pleasure and Arousal led by Jessica

Location TBD

Wednesday, December 5th 12:15 – 1:30pm

Intimacy with Self and Others led by Anusuya

Location TBD

Office Hours

We have decided to start weekly office hours in Delany 215 so you know when to come in and get connected with a Sexplorador/a, aka a Sexploration team member. We are here to serve as non-judgmental ears and point you in the direction of resources. You are also welcome to use this time to read through our resources which include books, diagrams, and access to an online service about clitoral stimulation.


*We are NOT counseling services. We can, however, tell you where you can get counseling services*



Mondays: 12:15 – 1:30pm; 3 – 4pm; 4:45 – 5:45pm

Tuesdays: 3 – 4pm

Wednesdays: 11am – 1pm; 2 – 3 pm

Thursdays: 12 – 1pm

Get Involved!

(1)    Attend our office hours and/or events

(2)    Join the team

(3)    Contribute to our first Zine! We are currently working on a booklet that talks about dating, hook-ups, and “talking” in 2018. We are putting together poems, original artwork, and facts. If you’d like to contribute, stop by Delany 215 for more info or message us on Facebook/Instagram

(4)    Make your own small piece of art about #metoo or any other topic related to QC Sexploration. Right now, CERRU is having a community art project where people make postcard sized art about sexual assault and #metoo. This can include facts, personal secrets or anecdotes, etc.



We also want to give a shout-out to the Susheel Kirpalani Innovation Exchange Series that CERRU is hosting. This year’s topic is metoo and we are excited to be hosting one of the workshops at the Nov 7th Innovation Exchange!

Thursday, Oct 25th, 4 – 7pm, Patio Room : Teach-In: Experiencing Sexual Assault  

In the era of #MeToo, more sexual assault survivors are reporting than ever before. Join us for this teach-in to learn more about navigating campus and city systems when reporting, supporting loved ones through an assault, and healing after experiencing an assault. *The last portion of the event will take the form of a healing circle and is offered only for survivors*

Wednesday, November 7th, 5 – 8:30pm, Student Union Ballroom: CERRU’s Susheel Kirpalani Innovation Exchange: #MeToo

Monday, November 12th, 12:15 -1:30pm, Powdermaker 108, Introduction to Gender Bias

Monday, Nov 19th 5 – 7pm Film Screening: Feminist on Cell Block Y

Monday, November 26th, PH 108 12:15 – 1:30pm – Transforming Queens College into a Sexual Violence Free Zone

Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Insta!


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