Queens College’s shuttle bus, popular among students, is under scrutiny for its failure to accommodate students with disabilities. This failure to provide special services to students is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities
Queens College’s shuttle bus, popular among students, is under scrutiny for its failure to accommodate students with disabilities. This failure to provide special services to students is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities
MoreThe Q44 underwent a change Nov. 29 after running on the Select Bus Service, which certainly affects Queens College. First introduced in 2008, the Select Bus Service program is different than a
MoreThe fall semester is coming to an end and students have mostly good reviews about Queens College’s new shuttle bus services. Based on the students’ responses, QC’s new shuttle service did a
MoreJust last semester, Student Association and Student Life worked hard to get 2,000 signatures for the shuttle bus initiative to make the life of commuter students a little. On the first day of
MoreQueens College extended the goal of 2,000 signatures from students for the implementation of shuttle buses from March 17 to April 6. Already receiving more than 1,000 signatures, the shuttle bus will