Photo by Victor Hillegren Queens College President Felix Matos Rodriguez has been president since September 2014.

Felix Matos Rodriguez anticipates another year as president

3 mins read

Felix Matos Rodriguez feels energized and ready for another year after finishing his first as Queens College’s President.

Despite facing challenges in his first year, including “keeping up with the speed of things,” Rodriguez said it helped adjust him to the QC community and know more about the campus.

“Each day and encounter around Queens, Manhattan or the rest of the city brings a new opportunity,” Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez describes his job as creating a mission where “all jobs point that way.” Moreover, he cites responsibilities as a part of this where he meets with business leaders or officials to enjoying events on campus, which reminds him of when was a professor.

Yet, in spite of a busy schedule, Rodriguez believes the most important part of QC is knowing those who come to campus every day.

“Getting to know the environment we’re working in, the great students and faculty of Queens College and to be continuously learning really enhances the experience. It is what I feel to be most important other than my family,” Rodriguez said.

In the president’s office sits a book collection from Queens College faculty. It consists of a wide variety of topics ranging from poetry, the environment, health and more.

“[I enjoy] being able to learn from our professors. Their books helps me be more informed both on the world and their knowledge and style” Rodriguez said.

There were many significant highlights from Rodriguez’ first year as president from alumni to the students on campus.

“Meeting alumni brings a sense of history, a change in perspective. It enables me to see Queens College with different eyes from over the years. It’s energizing to see them all so committed and donating,” Rodriguez said.

Working with student government, engaging with students and faculty and attending a vast array of important and fun events all brings a great source of joy to this experience. Then, welcome day and commencement day are the icings on the cake. They are very memorable days for everyone.”

Rodriguez believes transformation is positive, especially for QC and its future.

“Queens College is a phenomenal place that we want New York City and elsewhere to know more about,” Rodriguez said.

In regards to future plans, Rodriguez wishes to continue building the college’s diversity and grow fields such as mathematics or sciences.

For students, Rodriguez recommends working more with student life on campus and, most importantly, knowing other people on campus.

Still, Rodriguez finds his job to be rewarding and a blessing.

“I’m very happy with this job. It’s a gift being president of QC. I fell in love with it,” Rodriguez said.


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