Club Spotlight: Sci-Fi/Animation Club

4 mins read

The storied halls of Queens College boasts a large variety of clubs and activities well suited towards a campus with such a diverse population of students, all with their own unique backgrounds and interests. There is one club, in particular, that demonstrates this proud diversity in action, the Sci-Fi/Animation Club, which has been a proud member of the community for nearly 27 years.

The Sci-Fi/Animation Club is located within the Student Union building in the basement area through rooms 21 to 25, as the sounds of its various members can easily be heard throughout the general vicinity, giving off a solid grasp of unity and engagement with the club’s activities.

A regular club day for its members usually consists of either studying and/or using computers, playing various video and card games, watching videos and general positive interactions amongst people who share similar interests and passions.

It is a typical misconception that these particular interests are for “nerds” who only want to play games and nothing more, but many of its new and old members would vehemently disagree with such a rash assertion about the club. “Sci-Fi [club] is such a unique place that made me feel comfortable, enough so that I became president,” said junior Evan Anggon, majoring in design. Similar to Evan, members would rather talk about the positive, uplifting atmosphere the Sci-Fi/Animation Club presents to all those willing to share in its warmth. Kevin Mayorga, a club ‘veteran’ can strongly attest to Sci-Fi/Animation Club’s comfortability.

“As someone who’s been a part of Sci-Fi for five years, I’ve been through about five different presidencies, each holding their pros and cons, but in the end, Sci-Fi/Animation Club was always a friendly place for me, with everyone able to come together regarding their favorite games, anime, or anything about nerd and pop culture,” said Mayorga.

With this kind of environment, it is of no surprise that many of its members see this club as a “home away from home” far from the pressures and stress of college and work as they seek relaxation and enjoyment around familiar faces. “It’s a nice, chill hangout place to get my “nerd on,” joked Tony Vu, a junior Computer Science major.

The Sci-Fi/Animation Club has several rooms within its space that allow for a large number of people to gather around and socialize amongst one another. One particular room that represents this cohesiveness would happen to be the video game room where the students can most likely be found playing arguably the most popular game within Sci-Fi/Animation Club, “Super Smash Bros.” In a single match, you can sure to find groups of at least four to eight players casually enjoying themselves as they play their hardest to win.

Another aspect of the Sci-Fi/Animation Club would be the sheer dedication that its individual members give out to their most important events which includes its annual game night and maid café. Despite having a struggling budget, club members work their hardest to raise funds so everyone can look forward to the festivities as not only another way to have fun but to also invite new students into seeing just what the Sci-Fi Animation Club can offer then throughout the semesters in Queens College.

The Sci-Fi Animation Club is a club that’s here to stay and prosper as proven by its longevity and the astonishing number of friendships formed within those small rooms.

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