Monthly Horoscopes: Virgo Season, Reviewing, Reassessing, Reimagining.

6 mins read

Aries: It’s time for you to write a new story. Show the world that you are establishing healthy boundaries. Focus on your behaviors, health routines, and organizing yourself. Throughout this season, Virgo energy is strong among all signs and assists you in this reassessment of your routines. The time is now. 

Taurus: Quite opposite to other signs, this season is calling you to rest. September being such a busy month might seem like the most difficult time to rest, but the world isn’t going to fall apart if you rest. You have a lot of awesome opportunities on their way to you, and this season calls you to stay well-rested so you can be more grounded and energized for all the newness that is to come. 

Gemini: Ruled by planet Mercury, along with Virgo, Mercury in retrograde is heavily affecting you. This season is your season of creativity. You are viewing the world around you with a fresh pair of eyes, and it is the perfect time to utilize that creativity and take action.

Cancer: Cancerians, great news. This month is known as our “great reset.” We are connecting with younger energy this season. Mercury retrograde helped us understand what isn’t in alignment with us and what we should be focusing on. With this younger energy, we are focused on what brings us joy and making decisions based on that.

Leo: This season you are being very stubborn about your vision, which isn’t a bad thing. You are using your self-confidence to your advantage and taking risks. You have never been one to allow others to deter you from your goals, and you are especially shutting out others opinions this season. 

Virgo: Happy birthday! This is your season. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in retrograde. It is amplifying your energy and has a strong influence on you. This month is all about forward motion; meaning you are most likely frustrated if you don’t see results quickly. It’s very important for you to release your control during this time, and improve the way you handle stress. As the perfectionists of the zodiac, take this time to improve your way of thinking and to practice patience.  

Libra: (September Libras: happy birthday!) This month, there’s a lot of expansion that you need to make room for. New job opportunities, collaborations, and connections. Do not let past experiences prevent you from accepting these new opportunities, as a lot of old programming is coming up in the mind. You have already learned what doesn’t support your growth, it is time to let those thoughts go and focus on who you are now becoming. 

Scorpio: Scorpions, don’t stay so comfortable in your pain. Out with the old, in with the new. embrace it. This month is the perfect month for you to get rid of the, “That’s just the way life is!” mentality. You don’t have to struggle, no more beating yourself down. You are fully aware of which habits are better for you and which drain you. This season calls you to focus on the goodness in life: abundance, joy, and success. It is asking you to rid yourself of all that drains you.

Sagittarius: This season is when you realize what you are truly capable of. You have an amplified flexibility, and you are about to surprise so many of those around you. This month, you recognize what works for you and what doesn’t. In true Sagittarius nature, you have no problem letting go of what doesn’t work for you and will be releasing many experiences, habits, and people who don’t correlate with what you want. 

Capricorn: This season is filled with success and closure for you. It’s the perfect time to stay heavily focused on your goals. As a Capricorn, this isn’t particularly difficult for you. You are saying goodbye to all that hasn’t worked for you and taking the steps toward what you truly want.

Aquarius: Stop repeating old cycles in your life. This season is giving you the opportunity to begin making shifts for the new start you have been wanting for such a long time. You might feel conflicted with yourself, but do not allow those feelings to hold you back. Develop new routines. Take chances. Pisces: Pisces, it’s time for you to show up in a new way. You are finally beginning to understand what you truly want. This season, there’s a lot of clarity for you. September is allowing you many new opportunities and it’s the perfect time to clean up your act and step into your purpose. Take advantage.

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