The Future of GOP’s Amidst Governor Cuomo’s Scandals

5 mins read

With some of the scandals and allegations Governor Cuomo is facing, it might be hard to see how there might be a positive future for the GOP, but there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. When Democrats won enough seats to gain power over the Republicans in the State Senate. Jeff Klein, a power broker in the Bronx, was one of the State Senators which was in full control of the upper chamber. Klein and his cohorts were a part of the Democratic conference and they were supposed to be a part of, sharing an  agreement to govern the majority. Cuomo worked with Klein behind the scenes to form an alliance with the Republicans to keep them in the majority. As a result, this led to an unprecedented coalition – a government that led to both Klein and the Republican leader, Dean Skelos, the majority leaders of the Senate. Cuomo played a direct role in the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC.) The IDC wielded great power by keeping Republicans in charge of the Senate by guaranteeing progressive goals. Klein and Cuomo both fundraised aggressively from real estate developers and took no action on tenant protections. 

A year later, with Democrats back in power, many of the goals that were progrssive, particularly on repealing vacancy control, were passed. Now with these scandals taking center stage it looks like the future of the GOP might not have a bright future. Governor Cuomo is not new to being center stage with scandals, such as one of his scandals of the past, “Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption” that took place in 2013 where he had to dismantle the commission due to possible corruption. There was also a scandal that involved his administration who have been accused of deliberately obscuring the full scope of nursing home deaths in New York. In January, New York’s attorney general said the administration had undercounted nursing home deaths by several thousand. Cuomo later acknowledged as much, blaming the lower figure on fears that the Trump administration would use the data as a political weapon. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been looking into whether Cuomo and his aides provided false data on resident deaths to the Justice Department.

The fallout over the nursing home deaths has coincided with another scandal for Cuomo: Multiple women have accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior, prompting calls for his resignation that have spread from Republicans to his fellow Democrats, and from Albany, the State Capitol, to Washington, with most of New York’s congressional delegation demanding that he step down. Cuomo has adamantly resisted calls for his resignation, suggesting that those pushing for him to do so are motivated by political differences. He has apologized for acting “in a way that made people feel uncomfortable,” but he has said he did so unintentionally and has questioned the veracity of some of the accusations.

With Cuomo’s past history of scandals and with the recent sexual harassment alligations he’s facing, I don’t think the GOP doesn’t stand a future in New York because its not over until they investigate all of these allegation. Some claim that some of these allegations came to light because there was talk of Cuomo being apart of the Biden Administration, so in order to tarnish Cuomo’s name and title, there was the release of his nursing home scandal, following up with his current sexual harassment alligations. President Joe Biden said that if Cuomo’s sexual harassment alligations are true, he should step down. He added, “I think he’ll probably end up being prosecuted, too.”

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